How to Break in Your Cowboy Boots in Six Simple Steps

So, you finally gave in and bought those gorgeous cowboy boots, only to realize that they hurt your feet so bad you can barely walk in them. Chances are you probably paid a pretty penny for them as well. Now what? Hope is not lost, and you aren’t destined to limp around in pain forever. Let’s talk about some solutions that will have you strutting in style in no time.

1. Steam and Stretch

Expose your new boots to some hot steam. This can be done easily at home by holding the boots over a pot of boiling water until they are hot from the steam. Be careful not to drop them in water, the last thing you want is water stains on your new boots. While the boots are still hot from the steam, put them on your feet and walk around until they have cooled off. The steam will soften the leather and make it more flexible. This process can be repeated if necessary until the desired fit is reached. This is an effective way of stretching them at home.


2. Make Sure They Fit Properly

According to, the instep should be snug, but not overly tight, and your heel should slip slightly. If it is too tight, you will need to go up a size to avoid the discomfort of boots that are too small.

3. Stretch Spray, a popular seller of many styles and brands of cowboy boots, offers a solution with their boot stretch spray. It is fairly inexpensive and will soften the stiff leather of your new boots. It is important to experiment with this in a small inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn’t alter the appearance of the leather on your new boots.

4. Padding

Double up those socks! By doubling, or even tripling, the layers of socks you are wearing, you will be able to stretch out the boots while cushioning your feet. This will shield them from painful blisters. Wearing thicker socks with your cowboy boots than you would normally wear with other shoes will provide more comfort daily as well.

5. Consult the Professionals

According to Cavendar’s Ranch, a western lifestyle blog, sometimes the best thing to do is to take them to an expert who has professional tools used to safely and quickly stretch the leather. They will be able to pinpoint exactly where your boots need stretched, rather than over stretching the entire boot. This method may cost you more upfront, but it will also be the quickest way to get your boots in shape and ready to comfortably wear.


6. Be Patient

Finally, give them some time. Instead of taking them out for a day trip, try breaking them in gradually for an hour or two at a time. Eventually, your boots will soften, and this will be much kinder on your feet.